
Let’s have the fountain running all year-round!

Each day the fountain runs costs roughly £10 for electricity and £1.50 for water. Whilst these are not large sums, they do add up to over £4,000 per year.

There are also some maintenance costs and whilst they don’t occur each year, we are setting aside some money to cover these when needed in the future.

As it stands we only have enough reliable income to operate the fountain for six months each year. With each additional contribution we receive we’ll be able to keep the fountain running for longer.

We are delighted and grateful to have seen an uptick in donations over the past six months and we’d hope that you can perhaps help us to continue that trend. Our goal is to have the fountain running all year-round.

How you can help

Option 1:  Regular small monthly payments
Many people have already signed-up to make a small standing order or recurring monthly online payment. The average contribution each person makes is £5 per month. But you can send as much or as little as you wish, £1, £2, £5 or more per month, each amount makes a difference. If you can send us just £1 per month it means that the fountain can run for a whole extra day of the year. Sending us £7 per month would run the fountain for a whole exxtra week of the year!

Option 2:  One-Off donations
If you can’t make a regular payment or simply you prefer not to, you can also make a one-off donation for any amount you choose.

Option 3 :  Events and fundraisers
Come along to one of our quiz nights, they’re great fun. Food, drinks and prizes!  We also sell merchandise and craft items to raise money for the fountain. Events, dates and times will be shown on our website and Facebook page.

Making a payment online

Recurring payments or one-off payments
If you want to make an online payment our bank details are shown below. Your online banking system will let you set-up a recurring payment each month, or you can make a single one-off payment.

Sort Code: 05-05-27
Account: 41431041

Bank: Virgin Money
Account Name: Victoria Fountain

Please consider Gift Aid
Remember that if you are a UK Tax payer we can send you a Gift Aid form which lets us claim an extra 25% of funds at no extra cost to you. But for that we’d need you to send us a quick email with your name and address because you bank won’t provide that information to us if you pay us online. Click here to send us an email.

Paying by Standing Order

If you prefer to make a standing order we can post a standing order form through your door if you live locally, or we can post one to you if you live further afield.  

Click here to request a standing order form.

We will include a stamped addressed envelope for you to return the form to us.

We will also send you an optional Gift Aid form. If you are a UK Tax payer Gift Aid lets us claim an extra 25% in funds at no extra cost to you,

We are so grateful to everybody who has contributed so far. Your future donations, large or small, will make such a difference to the fountain and the joy it brings to our community.